Dublin's Historic South

Season 1, Episode VI - Lucan

Laura Fitzachary Season 1 Episode 6

Episode VI is all about Lucan and I, Laura Fitzachary welcomed the fabulous Camilla Pedersen to the show this month. Camilla hails from Denmark but currently resides in Maynooth and her focus of study is on Viking period mythology and narrative tradition. Her other areas of focus are Old Irish linguistics, and prehistoric and early medieval archaeology and she has been published on her topics, most recently in 2019 with Amsterdam University Press. She will also bring doughnuts to your house and generously impart her knowledge of past and present archaeological excavations in Ireland. We travelled from 19th century to the 1990's to reveal the finds of Pettycannon lands and Lucan reminding us and the listener of the importance of walking around the area you live in. This episode meandered through Lucan, from the origin of the placename to stressing the importance of community, local history and how we remember it.